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Showing posts from December, 2020

What is important in SEO?

  In the Digital World, nothing stays constant for long, SEO is the best example of which requirements keep changing and it is obvious that you can't keep updating every required thing, But if you want your Google rankings to go from 0 to the top of the SERP, you have to be in the know. Well-optimized websites get more and more traffic over time, which eventually means more leads and sales. Without SEO, Customer won't be able to find your site, and every part of your hard work vanishes. In this article, we’re going to answer the question "What is important in SEO” Most Important SEO Ranking Factors 1. Page Speed 2. Content 3. Mobile Friendliness 4. Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness 5. HTTPS and easy Navigation 6. Technical SEO 7. User Experience 8. Backlinks 9. Social Sharing 10. NAP of your Business 1. Page Speed speed has been considered as one of the first SEO ranking factors for years. Google has always look for the best users’ experience of the web, and th...